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Configuration file is config.json.

Since json does not allow comments, here is the config description:

"debug": false, // Set 1 for basic print debugs, or 2 for all print debugs
"speedo": true, // Enable or disable Hud while in car
"hideRadarOnFoot": true, // Enable or disable minimap while not in a vehicle
"speedoMetrics": "kmh", // kmh or mph ?
"seatbeltKey": "K", // Toggle the seatbelt while in vehicle. Prevent player to fly trough windscreen.
"setMaxHealth": true, // Force max player health to 200. Female and most of peds have less than 200 by default
"colors": { // Colors can be found here:
"health": "teal",
"armour": "blue",
"voice": "gray.2",
"oxygen": "cyan",
"speedo": "teal",
"hunger": "yellow",
"thirst": "cyan.4",
"stress": "orange",
"drunk": "grape"
"debug": false, // Set 1 for basic print debugs, or 2 for all print debugs
"speedo": true, // Enable or disable Hud while in car
"topScreenInfo": true, // Enable/disable top right informations
"hideRadarOnFoot": true, // Enable or disable minimap while not in a vehicle
"speedoMetrics": "kmh", // kmh or mph ?
"seatbeltKey": "B", // Toggle the seatbelt while in vehicle. Prevent player to fly trough windscreen
"setMaxHealth": true, // Force max player health to 200. Female and most of peds have less than 200 by default
"damagePedIfLowStatuses": { // Apply damages to ped if low statuses (< 5%)
"enabled": true,
"rate": 1500, // How often player should be damaged in miliseconds
"amount": 1 // How much damage should applied each time
"setStatusesAfterDeath": { // Set the status after player death
"enabled": true,
"hunger": 50,
"thirst": 50,
"stress": 0,
"drunk": 0